The Middle Tennessee Magic Club
to hold March Meeting on Tuesday, March 4
Click here for details
The Middle Tennessee Magic Club to host
Gregory Wilson lecture on Thursday, Match 13
Click here for details
Welcome to The International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 252 – The Sam Walkoff Ring aka The Middle Tennessee Magic Club. We, the officers and members of Ring 252, want to introduce you to the area’s finest magical fraternity. This Ring (located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee USA) is part of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, a nonprofit organization that is one of the oldest and most respected societies of prestidigitators in the world. Our goal is to promote, advance and present entertaining magic to all our audiences while preserving the heritage of our craft and passing along its time-honored traditions to future generations of conjurers.
We meet the 1st Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise noted on our Meeting Schedule page) at Linebaugh Library, 105 West Vine Street, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee in the new Community Room on the 2nd floor, next to the elevator. Our 2025 meeting dates are shown on the Meeting Schedule page. We encourage anyone with an interest in the magical arts to drop by for a visit to any of our meetings. Any member in good standing of the International Brotherhood of Magicians can apply for membership to the club.
Our Ring also sponsors The Amazing Abner Youth Magic Club that teaches kids the art of magic. It gathers once a quarter in the Linebaugh Library. These clubs are free for kids to join and each moth they learn a new magic trick taught by one of the members of the Ring.
Click here to see our Charter from the International Brotherhood of Magicians that we received on July 18, 1984.
If you are promoting a lecture, please send your information to It will be reviewed by the membership committee and they will get in touch with you after our next meeting.
Please visit our web site again soon. The future of magic in middle Tennessee has never been more exciting and we want to share it with you. If you’re a local friend or are just going to be passing through the area, we hope you’ll stop by in person at our next gathering. Remember, the magic carpet is always rolled out for you at IBM Ring 252!